
One of the more amazing characteristics of our school is the overwhelming generosity and kindness in gifts that are made to support families or individuals that are in need of assistance. I spent many years working with families that were the recipients of kindness from those who gave from their hearts as you do so willingly. To deliver a food basket and a bag of toys and watch the excitement in the eyes of a child and the tears flow down the cheeks of a grateful mother is a life changing experience.

The values, you as parents, have instilled in your children will ensure these magical moments continue to occur. One of the cornerstones of the Episcopal School of Knoxville is community service, and our students not only witness but eagerly participate in causes that benefit others. I believe they are learning that perhaps the greatest gift one can give is a gift that can never be reciprocated.

“Tis the gift to be simple….” As we continue to celebrate and gather during the holiday season, I wish you time to give, reflect, and enjoy simple time together with friends and loved ones.

By Red Waller, MS Director