ESK Christmas Traditions – Part 2
As part of the season of Advent, ESK teachers and staff memories shared some of their most cherish memories and traditions as part of the daily Chapel services. We are bringing those stories to the blog this week as we prepare for Christmas. Today, we hear from middle school teacher Cayla Lockhart.
The Christmas Pickle
The tradition states that you hide a glass pickle ornament in your Christmas tree, and the person who finds it on Christmas morning wins an extra surprise. This tradition is commonly believed by Americans to come from Germany, but this turns out to be untrue. The tradition is completely unknown in Germany. It seems more likely that the tradition was created by Woolworth’s, an American company who imported these glass ornaments to the United States from Germany, as a marketing scheme in the 1890s. The tradition is now widely used all over the world despite its origin.
My family began this tradition in our house when I was in Middle School. My brother and I would compete to find the elusive Christmas Pickle because it blended in with the tree. I am pretty sure my brother tried to cheat, but I won most times. According to the tradition, the winner would receive an extra gift or fortune. I still use my favorite Christmas Pickle gift to this day. It is a soft green blanket with pockets for my feet so they stay extra cozy. I have now begun the tradition in my own home with my husband and stepson. No matter what, I get an extra gift on Christmas morning from watching the excitement and delight as the boys race to find the Christmas Pickle.
James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
Traditions can be wonderful and add so much to the holiday seasons. However, no matter the tradition or the changes over time, the true gift of Christmas remains true and in our hearts.